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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2022-12-13





2018/10 ACA 大数据助理工程师, 阿里云。

2017/08 大数据分析师, 工业和信息化部电子通信行业职业技能鉴定指导中心。

2016/11 工业和信息化领域急需紧缺人才培养工程——机器学习工程师, 工业和信息化部人才交流中心。

2015/09 Hadoop 高级开发工程师, 工业和信息化部人才交流中心。

2015/06 江苏省高等学校教师岗前培训证书, 江苏省教育厅。

2014/12 物联网助理工程师, 中国电子学会。


编程技能:C/C++, Qt, Java, C51, MATLAB, MySQL, SQLite, OpenCV.


l 电路设计(PCB) - Altium Designer / 立创EDA

l 电路仿真- OrCAD, Multisim

l 开发平台- C8051, ARM, Arduino, Raspberry Pi

l 微处理器- 89C52, STM8/32, CC2530/CC2538(Zigbee), ESP32, ATMega328P,

l RT5350(WIFI), MFRC500 (RFID, 13.56MHz) .


1. Xing Yang, Lei Shu, Kailiang Li, Zhiqiang Huo, Yu Zhang. SA1D-CNN: A Separable and Attention Based Lightweight Sensor Fault Diagnosis Method for Solar Insecticidal Lamp Internet of Things[J]. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 2022, 3 :291-303. (SCI)

2. Yuanhao Sun, Weimin Ding*, Lei Shu*, Kailiang Li, Yu Zhang, Zhangbing Zhou, Guangjie Han. On Enabling Mobile Crowd Sensing for Data Collection in Smart Agriculture –A Vision[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, 16(1) : 132-143. (SCI)

3. Fan Yang, Lei Shu*, Yuli Yang, Guangjie Han, Simon Pearson, Kailiang Li. Optimal Deployment of Solar Insecticidal Lamps over Constrained Locations in Mixed-Crop Farmlands[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 8(16) : 13095-13114. (SCI)

4. Xing Yang, Lei Shu*, Kai Huang, Kailiang Li, Heyang Yao. Poster Abstract : Insecticidal Performance Simulation of Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things Using the Number of Falling Edge Trigger[C]. IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2021), 2021, May 11-13, Virtual Conference. (EI)

5. 黄凯, 舒磊*, 李凯亮, 杨星, 朱艳, 汪小旵, 苏勤. 太阳能杀虫灯物联网节点的防盗防破坏设计及展望[J]. 智慧农业(中英文), 2021, 3(1) : 129-143.

6. Kai Huang, Kailiang Li Lei Shu*, Xing Yang, Timothy Gordon, Xiaochan Wang*. High Voltage Discharge Exhibits Severe Effect on ZigBee-based Device in Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2020, 27(6) : 140-145. (SCI)

7. Fan Yang, Lei Shu, Kailiang Li, Guangjie Han, Ye Liu. A Partition-Based Node Deployment Strategy in Solar Insecticide Lamp Internet of Things[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, 7(11) : 11223-11237. (SCI)

8. Kai Huang, Lei Shu, Kailiang Li, Fan Yang ; Guangjie Han ; Xiaochan Wang, Simon Pearson. Photovoltaic Agricultural Internet of Things towards Realizing the Next Generation of Smart Farming[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8 : 76300-76312. (SCI)

9. Kai Huang, Kailiang Li, Lei Shu, Xing Yang. Demo Abstract : High Voltage Discharge Exhibits Severe Effect on ZigBee-based Device in Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things[J]. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM 2020), Virtual Conference, Jul. 6-9, 2020. (EI)

10. 杨星, 舒磊*, 黄凯, 李凯亮, 霍志强, 王彦飞, 王心怡, 卢巧玲, 张亚成. 太阳能杀虫灯物联网故障诊断特征分析及潜在挑战[J]. 智慧农业(中英文), 2020, 2(2) : 11-27.

11. 李凯亮, 舒磊, 黄凯, 孙元昊, 杨帆, 张宇, 霍志强, 王彦飞, 王心怡, 卢巧玲, 张亚成. 太阳能杀虫灯物联网研究现状与展望[J]. 智慧农业(中英文), 2019, 1(3) : 13-28.

12. Fan Yang, Lei Shu, Ye Liu, Kailiang Li, Kai Huang, Yu Zhang and Yuanhao Sun. Poster : Photovoltaic Agricultural Internet of Things - the Next Generation of Smart Farming[C]. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2019), 2019. (EI)

13. Yuanhao Sun, Weimin Ding, Lei Shu, Kai Huang, Kailiang Li, Yu Zhang, Zhiqiang Huo. Poster :

When Mobile Crowd Sensing Meets Smart Agriculture[C]. In Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference-China. ACM, 2019 : 49. (EI)

14. Kailiang Li, Lei Shu, Mithun Mukherjee, Di Wang, Likun Hu. Prolonging Network Lifetime with Sleep Scheduling for Solar Harvesting Industrial WSNs[C]. In Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS 2016), Sydney, Australia, December 12-14, 2016. (EI)

15. Lei Shu, Kailiang Li, Junlin Zeng, Xiangjie Li, Huilin Sun, Zhiqiang Huo, Guangjie Han. Demo Abstract : A Smart Helmet for Network Level Early Warning in Large Scale Petrochemical Plants[C]. In Proceedings of 14th ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2015), Seattle, USA, April 14-16, 2015. (EI)

16. Lei Shu, Junlin Zeng, Kailiang Li, Zhiqiang Huo, Xiaoling Wu, Xianjun Wu, Huilin Sun. WIFI-based Smart Car for Toxic Gas Monitoring in Large-scale Petrochemical Plants[C]. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Eletronics (ICCE-TW 2015), Taipei, Taiwan, June 6-8, 2015.(EI)

17. Mithun Mukherjee, Lei Shu, Di Wang, Kailiang Li, Yu Chen. A Fog Computing-based Framework to Reduce Traffic Overhead in Large-scale Industrial Applications[C]. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2017), Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4, 2017. (EI)

18. Mithun Mukherjee, Lei Shu, Teng Zhao, Kailiang Li, Haihui Wang. Low Control Overhead-based Sleep Scheduling in Software-defined Wireless Sensor Networks[C]. In Proceedings of IEEE 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2016), Sydney, Australia, December 12-14, 2016. (EI)

19. Zhiqiang Huo, Lei Shu, Zhangbing Zhou, Yuanfang Chen, Kailiang Li, Junlin Zeng. Data Collection Middleware for Crowdsourcing-based Industrial Sensing Intelligence[C]. In Proceedings of ACM International Workshop on Mobility and Middleware Management in HetNets (MobiMWareHN 2015), in conjunction of the 16th International Symposium of Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (Mobihoc 2015), Hangzhou, China, June 22-25, 2015. (EI)

20. Lei Shu, Zhiqiang Huo, Zhangbing Zhou, Kailiang Li, Junlin Zeng, Huilin Sun. Poster Abstract :

Using Wearable Equipment to Construct Monitoring Maps in Large-scale Petrochemical Plants[C]. In Proceedings of 14th ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2015), Seattle, USA, April 14-16, 2015. (EI)

21. Feng Zhang, Lei Shu, Chunsheng Zhu, Xianjun Wu, Kailiang Li, Junlin Zeng, Meijie Zhu, Guangjie Han, Haobo Li, Mingxiang Zhang. A WSN based system for CO2 concentration monitoring in largescale petrochemical plants[C]. 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China Workshops (CIC/ICCC). IEEE, 2015 : 189-194.(EI)


1. 舒磊, 李凯亮. 一种基于远程控制的移动车, 专利号: 2016202148898.

2. 舒磊, 张峰, 李凯亮, 曾俊林, 黄镇宏. 可穿戴有毒气体安全预警装备, 专利号: 2015202075591.

3. 舒磊, 张峰, 李凯亮, 曾俊林, 傅树霞. 基于QT PM2.5 无线监控装置, 专利号: 2015205142367.

4. 舒磊, 吴宪君, 李凯亮, 曾俊林. 一种传感网络二氧化碳及有害挥发有机物的在线监控系统, 专利号:201520538968X.

5. 张峰, 舒磊, 李凯亮, 曾俊林, 傅树霞. 一种基于互联网技术的石化职工健康安全预警装置, 专利号:2015207713279.

6. 马远佳, 舒磊, 李凯亮, 曾俊林, 傅树霞. 一种高灵敏度的测量润滑油含水率的传感器, 专利号:2015204945842.

7. 舒磊, 张峰, 李凯亮, 曾俊林. 石化厂区有毒气体泄漏在线监测系统软件V1.0, 专利号: 2014SR203666.

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