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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2022-12-13


刘野,2013年和2018年分别获得东南大学电子科学与工程硕士和博士学位。201410月至201510月,美国蒙大拿州立大学博兹曼分校的访问学者。20172月至20181月,瑞典RISE计算机科学研究所(SICS)网络嵌入式系统组的访问博士生。刘野目前是南京农业大学的师资博士后。曾在多个著名期刊上撰写或共同撰写论文,如IEEE Communications MagazineIEEE IoT JournalIEEE TIIACM TECSIEEE Network。在2019EWSN可靠性竞赛中获得第一名。


l [IEEE TII] From Industry 4.0 to Agriculture 4.0: Current Status, Enabling Technologies, and Research Challenges.

Ye Liu, Xiaoyuan Ma, Lei Shu, Gerhard Petrus Hancke, and Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz.

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020.

l [IEEE Network] Internet of Things for Noise Mapping in Smart Cities: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions.

Ye Liu, Xiaoyuan Ma, Lei Shu, Qing Yang, Yu Zhang, Zhiqiang Huo, and Zhangbing Zhou.

IEEE Network, 2020.

l [IEEE INFOCOM] Harmony: Saving Concurrent Transmissions from Harsh RF Interference.

Xiaoyuan Ma, Peilin Zhang, Ye Liu, Carlo Alberto Boano, Hyung-Sin Kim, Jianming Wei, and Jun Huang.

The 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2020.

l [IEEE IoTJ] EcoVibe: On-Demand Sensing for Railway Bridge Structural Health Monitoring.

Ye Liu, Thiemo Voigt, Niklas Wirström, and Joel Höglund.

IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019.

l [ACM TECS] Harvest Energy from the Water: A Self-Sustained Wireless Water Quality Sensing System.

Qi Chen, Ye Liu, Guangchi Liu, Qing Yang, Xianming Shi, Hongwei Gao, Lu Su, and Quanlong Li.

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2017.

l [IEEE ComMag] EcoSense: A Hardware Approach to On-Demand Sensing in the Internet of Things.

Ye Liu, Qi Chen, Guangchi Liu, Hao Liu, and Qiang Yang.

IEEE Communications Magazine, 2016.


l Editorship:

Editor, IEEE MMTC Review (December 2018 – Now)

l Special Session Organizer:

Sustainable and Intelligent Precision Agriculture, The 18th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Guangzhou, China, 2020.

l Web Chair:

The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations (IEEE SCI), Leicester, UK, 2019.

l Technical Program Committee Member:

IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Symposium on Next-Generation Networking & Internet, Montreal, Canada, 2021.

The 23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), Paris, France, 2020.

The 11th International Workshop on Collaborative Computing with Cloud and Client (C4W), Guangzhou, China, 2020.

l Reviewer

IEEE Communications Magazine

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Springer Mobile Networks and Applications

KeAi Digital Communications and Networks

l Peer Appraisal Expert

National Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

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